Tag Archives: Companion dates

Dates for every occasion

Do you cringe inwardly at this time of year when people around you start planning for year-end and social calendars start filling up with all variety of activities and events to celebrate religious events and the like? Are you that person who usually makes excuses after receiving the constant barrage of party invitations? Could you […]

Live your life the Dukes of Daisy way

You are a strong and independent business woman with a career path trajectory that quite frankly out-shines the Tesla Roadster on any given day. This type of hard work and determination comes from years of self-discipline and dedication to an outcome that you have invested time, money and energy into, sacrificing all else to achieve […]

UK Female companion

Are you happy to be on your own? Did you know that no matter what age you are, companionship is one of the most integral parts of what it means to be human? Life can be too busy most of the time. Trying to fit in all of the things that we as humans need, […]

Dukes of Daisy companion dates

Dukes of Daisy came into being through the experiences of the founder, Daisy Lain, after her own experience with escort agencies where she was able to see for herself, the many benefits of using such a service. Inspired but the many good personal experiences, Daisy Lain decided to begin her own agency and offer her […]