Category Archives: Funeral Services

Respect your loved ones last wishes

Being a Funeral Director is a calling. Not everyone has the capacity, nor inclination to be sure, to be able to withstand the needs of this particular type of work simply because, as you can well imagine, of the intensity of both the topics related to funerals, as well as the emotional aspects of the […]

Stylish memorial services

Benjamin Franklin, wrote in 1789 that “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” This is something that is very difficult to dispute, even to this day. This unadulterated truth may well be the case however something […]

Modern funeral ideas

The passing of a loved one can have a devastating effect on those left behind, especially when the passing is unexpected. Even when the loss is somewhat expected, resulting from a long-term or prolonged illness or disability, nothing can really prepare someone for the day when they receive “that” call. Sometimes, families have the chance […]

Lodge Brothers Funeral Planning

At a time when words really can offer little comfort, the best thing that a person can experience is to be surrounded by people who they can trust and who will take on some of the weight of the world which they may be carrying. When going through a stressful period in one’s life, it […]

Restoration of Headstones

At the Memorial Group, we offer a complete renovation and repair services to keep your headstones looking the very best.  Restoration can range from a simple cleaning and polishing to a complete renovation of your Headstones.