The majority of companies across the UK are making the move to using IT Managed Services because in turn, the business world is becoming more and more reliant on IT and how it enables a business to be achieve its full potential. For someone currently in their mid-forties, you would have witnessed the growth and development of information technology in your business and work lives, as well as in your personal lives. Those who on the fore-front of the development of IT speak with fondness when remembering the first IBM data processing systems which is said to have weighed some five tons and filled the space of an entire cold room which can these days be dedicated to hundreds of servers, routers and switches. The IBM bragged a storage space of a colossal 16 kilobytes when it was first introduced to the public in 1959! Thought to be the most powerful piece of equipment humans had ever seen in all of history and astounded users around the world.
In the last three decades alone, the world has seen IT become the fastest growing and most innovative industry with unprecedented strides in development. Back in the early 1990’s there was no such thing as the internet and when it first became available to households, anyone who was there to witness that will never forget the wails and squealing sounds made as we waited to hear whether our modem had successfully connected. These days however, one gets frustrated when the internet is off line or if the software on the computer hangs… imagine the patience it used to take in the days of the modem and then you realise just how far IT has brought us.
Managed IT support London is a competitive place to be but more and more companies are looking for IT business partners who are ahead of the curve when it comes to the IT products and services they provide and this is what makes Knowall IT West London one of the best in the business. Always ahead of the times, award-winning Knowall IT provides innovative solutions to the specific needs of every one of their clients and is ready to take on your business’s IT needs when you are ready to take it to the next level. The year 2020 has proven things can change in an instant and when it does, the information technology industry is at the core of the myriad of technological solutions which support the on-going growth and development of your company. Cloud based services are the pinnacle of these support services and one of the main reasons why a business should only ever consider a managed IT service provider such as Knowall IT Support Paddington.
One of the main reasons for this is due to the cost effectiveness of managed IT services. Cloud-based IT managed services are cheaper than having a full time IT technician and software developers employed at your company. Especially for any growing company, focused on their niche service, it can be an immense task to manage both your IT requirements as well as your core business. Focused on the provision of high-performance, tailored and secure hosted services to UK based organisation’s, IT is what we do!
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